Day 16 of the 365 Project: An Old White Cdear Tree Hanging on a Limestone Cliff
Why Did I Take this Image of a White Cedar Tree
As you might have guessed by now with the past images in the 365 Project I like trees.
Although White Cedar trees are not one of my favorites, I do like how they root into limestone cliffs and steep hillsides underlain by limestone.
I think it amazing that they can root and hold themselves up on these precarious positions and find the nutrients they need to grow so big.
Many places I like to photograph have White Cedar trees growing straight out the sides of cliffs and rocky hillsides with their lower trunks making beautiful curves as they reach for light. The plan is to create a photo book about these amazing trees and show images of their gnarled roots, beautiful red-orange-toned bark, and wonderful growth patterns.
I hope you enjoyed the photograph of this White Cedar and its massive root finding a foothold and nutrients on this limestone cliff.
Day 16 is in the books! Bad weather is on its way, let’s hope I can keep taking daily photographs.