My Springer Spaniel Caden – December 2, 2024 365 Project

Day 28 of the 365 Project: Caden My Springer Spaniel

english springer spaniel

My Little Buddy, Caden

I took this image because I wanted to include him in the project and I wouldn’t be surprised if you see him in many more images. He goes almost everywhere I go. There are some exceptions like places that don’t welcome dogs. But I always try to go places where he can get a good run.

He isn’t the best leash dog, but when free, he never gets very far away. I started training him on hikes on the Finger Lakes Trail.

When I take photos he is very patient unless it is a long sunset or sunrise photo shoot. Then it gets anxious to get back to the car.

I enjoy having him with me when I hike, go for drives, or during photo walks.

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